Intersection of Information Literacy, Technology, & Digital Media
"Today we live in a technology and media-driven environment, marked by access to an abundance of information, rapid changes in technology tools and the ability to collaborate and make individual contributions on an unprecedented scale. Effective citizens and workers must be able to exhibit a range of functional and critical thinking skills such as: information literacy, media literacy, and Information, Communications, and Technology (ICT) literacy." -Partnership for 21st Century Learning Image from the American Psychological Association From the readings, resources, video, and podcast this week, I was able to see just how important it is for all school librarians, teachers, and educators to truly be information literate, up to date on technological trends and ideas, and have a deep understanding of digital media. In our society, all of these things do intersect constantly for our students, and the way we consume media has continued to change and evolve, even th...